LIMITED!!! Designer Dog Collar "Peter At Christmas"
We have found some fab fabric of Peter Rabbit at Christmas but only enough to literally make a couple of certain sizes of our Dog Collars.
If you love this please don't wait.
Don't forget to add a matching bandana! It is sold seperately
It's really a stunning range and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Soft to wear but durable with strong webbing inside. A perfect combination. Remember all our collars and accessories are washable.
Its easy to work out the size... just measure your current collar and if you are in-between the 2 measurements then it will fit.
All Aproximate as they are hand made.
Size 2 = 20mm wide - Collar Length 39.5cm adjusting down to 29.5cm
Size 3 = 20mm wide - Collar Length 49.5cm adjusting down to 38cm
Size 4 = 25mm wide - Collar Length 45.5cm adjusting down to 34.5cm
Size 5 = 25mm wide - Collar Length 59.5cm adjusting down to 43cm
Size 6 = 25mm wide - Collar Length 71cm adjusting down to 51cm
Size 1 & 2 for example are the same adjustable sizes but the width is different the reason for this is size of dog. If you had a small dog the thinner width will probably look and feel better.