Floral Fringe Weekend
What can I say about the "Floral Fringe" other than what a fab weekend we had. Dressing Vintage and with my Beautiful Step Daughter by my side we really had a special few days. There was food Galore, music and dancing but more importantly Dogs!!!! and lots of them. We met so many lovely furies!! It's why we do what we do.
When we arrived we were a little nervous as we had a new Gazebo! our purple one simply failed at our last show due to the wind!!! So the new cover had to fit our frame!!!!..... and it did..... phew! otherwise we would have been in the open air lol. So a big thank you to Gala Tent!!! Love the new logo too.
So all set up we were ready to enjoy all that the show had to offer.

Later in the day we were entered in the best dressed competition where I met "Winston Churchill" Lookalike! he was fun.
Think he liked us a lot as he made a bee line to our stand !!
As I dress Vintage a lot in my personal life I have to say I am hooked dressing this way for shows
and think going forward you will be seeing me a lot more dressed fifties! now the challenge is too find dresses to match my business colours!
We were so lucky to have been near some amazing businesses which made our time so enjoyable... hearing about all the amazing things others have to offer was just great. The vibe of this fair is so fun and friendly.
Nicky Newson, Quarters of Sussex, Little Pet Biscuit
We can't wait for next year already. Read our next blog to see some of the amazing doggies we met.